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†† Indicates co-first/co-last authorship
* Indicates mentored student
Pre-Prints & In Review
!. BeVier GT, Brock KM. 2025. Lizard colour polymorphic throat signals are distinguishable to conspecifics and predators across variable light environments. (in review).
!. Gangloff EJ, Bishop AP, *Head A, Pauly GB, Perry C, Vaughn PL, Winchell KM, Brock KM. 2025. Sex-specific morphological shifts across space and time in replicate urban wall lizard introductions. (in review).
!. Feiner N, Uller T, Brock KM, Pafilis P, Meier J. 2025. The genome sequence of Erhard's wall lizard, Podarcis erhardii (Bedriaga, 1882).
!. Brock KM, Bednekoff P. 2024. The town lizard and the country lizard: urban populations of wall lizards are more bold around humans than non-urban populations. (in review).
!. Patharkar T, Nouth SL, Smith LK, Wang IJ, Brock KM. 2025. Diversity and community composition of cloacal microbiomes can differ by sex, color morph, and island in populations of the Aegean wall lizard (Podarcis erhardii).
!. McLaughlin JF, Aguilar C, Bernstien JM, Navia-Gine WG, Cueto-Aparicio L, Alarcon AC, Alarcon BD, Collier R, Taker A, Vong SJ, López-Chong OG, Driver R, Loaiza JR, De León LF, Saltonstall K, Lipshutz SE, Arcila D, Brock KM, Miller MJ. 2025. Comparative phylogeography reveals widespread cryptic diversity driven by ecology in Panamanian birds. (in review, on bioRxiv).
25. *Mandavilli DS, Wang IJ, Brock KM. 2024. Throat color polymorphism is related to differences in aggression in the Aegean wall lizard. Herpetologica. (accepted).
24. Foufopoulos J, Roussos S, Kalogiannis S, Kalb S, Strachinis I, Brock KM. 2024. The herpetofauna of the Sporades islands (Aegean Sea, Greece): New discoveries and a review of a century of research. Herpetozoa. web |
23. ††Amer A, ††Spears S, Vaughn PL, Livingston EH, McQueen W, Schill A, Reichard D, ††Gangloff EJ, ††Brock KM. 2023. Physiological phenotypes differ among color morphs in introduced populations of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Integrative Zoology. web |
22. ††McLaughlin JF, ††Brock KM, Gates I, Pethkar A, Piattoni M, Rossi A, Lipshutz SE. 2023. Multivariate models of animal sex: breaking binaries leads to a better understanding of ecology and evolution. Integrative and Comparative Biology. web |
21. *Thompson A, *Kapsanaki V, Liwanag H, Pafilis P, Wang I J, Brock KM. 2023. Some like it hotter: differential thermal preferences among intraspecific lizard color morphs. Journal of Thermal Biology. web |
20. *Stadler SR, Brock KM, Bednekoff, P., Foufopoulos, J. 2023. More and bigger lizards on islands with more resources. Journal of Zoology. web | pdf
19. Foufopoulos J, Zhao Y, Brock KM, Pafilis P, Valakos ED. 2023. Predation risk, and not shelter or food availability, as the main determinant of reproduction investment in island lizards. Animals. web |
18. Brock KM, McTavish EJ, Edwards DL. 2022. Color polymorphism is a driver of diversification in the lizard family Lacertidae. Systematic Biology. web |
17. Brock KM, Chelini MC, *Madden IE, *Ramos C, *Ayton C, Blois JL, Pafilis P, Edwards DL. 2022. Morph predicts social behavior and contest outcomes in a polymorphic lizard (Podarcis erhardii). Animal Behaviour. web |
16. Brock KM, *Madden IE, *Rosso AA, *Ramos C, *Degen R, *Stadler SR, *Ayton C, *Fernandez MEL, *Reyes Servin J. 2022. Patterns of colour morph diversity across populations of Aegean wall lizard (Podarcis erhardii). Herpetology Notes. web |
15. Brock KM, *Madden IE. 2022. Morph-specific differences in escape behaviors in a color polymorphic lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. web | pdf
14. *BeVier GT, *Ayton C, Brock KM. 2022. It ain’t easy being orange: lizard colour morphs occupying highly vegetated microhabitats suffer greater ectoparasitism. Amphibia-Reptilia. web | pdf
13. Patharkar T, Van Passel L, Brock KM. 2022. Eat or be eaten? An observation of Podarcis erhardii consuming saurophagus Scolopendra cingulata from Andros island, Cyclades, Greece. Herpetozoa. web |
12. Chelini MC, Brock KM, Yeager J, Edwards DL. 2021. Environmental drivers of sexual dimorphism in a lizard with alternative mating strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. web |
11. *Degen R, Brock KM. 2021. Rare behavioral observations of Macrovipera schweizeri from Sifnos island. Herpetology Notes. web | PDF
10. *BeVier GT, Brock KM, Foufopoulos J. 2021. Life on an island: the effects of insularity on the ecology and home range of the Aegean Wall Lizard (Podarcis erhardii). Herpetological Conservation & Biology. web |
09. Brock KM, Baeckens S, Donihue CM, Martín J, Pafilis P, Edwards DL. 2020. Trait differences among discrete morphs of a color polymorphic lizard. PeerJ. web |
08. *Madden IE, Brock KM. 2018. An extreme record of cannibalism in Podarcis erhardii mykonensis (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Siros island, Cyclades, Greece. Herpetology Notes, 11: 291-292. web | PDF
07. *Rosso A, Brock KM, Foufopoulos J. 2017. First record of Eryx jaculus turcicus
(Olivier, 1801) on Kinaros Island, dodecanese, Greece. Herpetozoa, 31(1/2): 86-88. web | PDF
06. Belasen A, Brock KM, Li B, Chremou D, Valakos E, Pafilis P, Sinervo B, Foufopoulos, J. 2016. Fine with heat, problems with water: microclimate alters water loss in a thermally adapted insular lizard. Oikos, 126(3): 447-457. web | PDF
05. Mossman A, Culhane K, Miller Z, Brock KM, Pafilis P, Donihue CM. 2016. An extreme new record of Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) from a Mediterranean island. Herpetozoa. web | PDF
04. Donihue CM, Brock KM, Foufopoulos J, Herrel A. 2015. Feed or fight: testing the impact of food availability and intraspecific aggression on the functional ecology of an island lizard. Functional Ecology. web | PDF
03. Brock KM, Donihue CM, Pafilis P. 2014. New records of frugivory and ovophagy in Podarcis lizards from East Mediterranean Islands. North-western Journal of Zoology, 10: 223-225. web | PDF
02. Brock KM, Belasen A, Foufopoulos J. 2014. Podarcis erhardii bifurcated tail post-autotomy. Herpetological Review. web | PDF
01. Brock KM, Bednekoff P, Pafilis P, Foufopoulos J. 2014. Evolution of anti predator defenses in an insular lizards species, Podarcis erhardii (Reptilia: Lacertidae): the sum of all fears? Evolution. web | PDF

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